- Juice Plus+® provides nutrition from 17 different fruits, vegetables, and grains in convenient and inexpensive capsule form.
- The USDA recommends we eat 7 to 13 servings of fruits and vegetables every day. Most people don’t come anywhere close. Clinically proven Juice Plus+® helps you bridge the gap between what you should eat and what you do eat, every day.
- The many health benefits of Juice Plus+® have been demonstrated through numerous independent clinical research studies conducted in leading hospitals and universities around the world.
- Juice Plus+® is the next best thing to eating fruits and vegetables. Of course, there is no substitute for eating a wide variety of fruits and vegetables. But because most people simply can’t, don’t, or won’t, Juice Plus+® helps fill that gap.
Do you have samples of the protein powder from Juice Plus? I am searching for one that tastes good and a better price than others. I saw you years ago in Boone and still have your workout DVD! Love it!